Thursday, February 9, 2012

Switched at Birth: Grandma!

The theme here today kids is grandmas. The arrival of grandma Bonnie has everyone in a tizzy. Played by Meredith Baxter (Family Ties) she does a great job of being that annoying mom and grandma. She comes in to meet her new granddaughter. She gives Toby a poker set, Bay a book on Latin American artists and Daphne an antique cameo that was her grandmother's. Bay is clearly feeling slighted as she tries to tell her grandma that she has been chosen to paint the school mural. Ouch. I have to say that mother Kathryn is really great throughout this whole thing.


We find out that Grandma has a big chunk of the carwash business as well. She has a talk with Kathryn telling her how Daphne is blood and Bay, she may love, but is not her real granddaughter. Ouch. Bay hears the whole thing and rightfully gets upset. She goes to paint her mural and after a painful tea with grandma and Daphne, she ends up messing up the whole mural with white paint.

Meanwhile, Adriana and Regina are not happy with one another. With no Angelo to be found, Regina is without a business partner and needs to give up her salon. Adriana in the end decides to move out and back to her old neighborhood.

Toby and Simone are still together and she wants him to produce a single. She is starting to get him booked on some gigs. She then tells him to change his sound and to change his look. Bay interferes and tells him Simone likes to mold people. I guess when they were besties, Simone did the same to Bay. It would be good to know what happened between them. Toby ends up telling Simone to back off and she does and they are together again.


Some girls from Daphne's hometown are using the track and locker room at Mission Hills High. Simone accuses Monica, one of the girls, of stealing her watch. They almost get into a fight and Daphne tries to break it up. The principal gives them community service. Daphne tries to reconnect with those girls and they shun her because she is not from their home town.

Bay asks Regina, who has the same artist gene, to help her fix the mural. Where is Emmet throughout this whole thing? In the end, Kathryn gives her mother a check for her half of the car wash business. They want to do things on their own and without her interference. So I guess, we had two grandmas and now we have none.

I hope that next week has some real drama because this was just a side without the men of Mission Hills!

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