Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How I Met Your Mother: Long Term Bets

Right before this airs, I tell my husband, I hope we can find out who the mother is finally and we go back to the scene with the kids recapping about the yellow umbrella. It then reminds him to talk about what happened after he told Robyn he loves her.

He sits in bed, thinking of ways to get out of it. She is at his door and they make out. Weird, but it happens. She finds out she has to go to Russia for the national butter festival. They kiss goodbye and he is left thinking about what will happen next. He calls up Marshall to meet at the bar. It's open at 8am? Marshall is in bed with Lily and apparently Barney. He took the drunk train and slept in their bed. She leaves to go meet Marshall and Ted at the bar and reminds Barney there is no sex tape.

from cbs.com

He calls in his team of cleaning ladies to find it. He finds a lock box called Long Term bets that say things like "Robyn will never return the hairdryer", "Ted will go bald and he will rock it" and "Ted will not end up with Robyn". This makes Lily sway Ted to do things Robyn will hate like huge romantic gestures. After Barney confronts them about the box, Ted feels hurt that they are betting his life away. We flashback to scenes of Stella and Ted's almost wedding and Lily wants to end the bet, but Marshall says not yet. He is a big believer that Ted will end up with Robyn. Although, he tells his kids plenty of time about AUNT ROBYN. So I doubt it.

from cbs.com

Barney finds the sex tape and gets do deterred from watching that he breaks the tape and the VCR. Robyn comes back from her trip and after dinner with Ted at the blue French horn restaurant she tells him its not going to happen. They are better off as friends. Ted realizes that she loves Barney and learns of their tryst earlier in the season.

Marshall tells Robyn to move out and she does so. This gives Ted the courage to get over Robyn and start looking for his wife. We see him walk in a sea of yellow umbrellas and maybe now we can learn the true identity of the mother!!

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