Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pretty Little Liars: Sleepover with A

Wow. I have to say, I cannot rave enough about Monday's on ABC Family. I locked myself in my room to catch up on my favorite shows with nothing but an apple and a remote. Let's dig in...

The girls got the item from the claim ticket and all it is, is a red raincoat. Not very Ali they think, but maybe very Vivian. They reach inside the pocket and find a phone number. Emily, too scared, doesn't dial, but Aria does and leaves a message that they are a friend of Vivian's and to call them back. Aria is wearing some hideous outfit with a neon yellow belt and matching yellow plastic shoes. EW. Not my favorite outfit yet! However, Hannah is wearing a stunning red top and she is in the principal's office with Kate, Isabel and her mother. Isabel and her mother want to get Hannah expelled for that sext. The principal decides that Hannah will be in the same group as Kate in the lock in the school calls "Truth Up" so they can work out their problems, since they are family.

In Hannah's group, she has Aria's mother as her leader and Kate and Noel. They are playing a game where they throw a ball at someone and say something they are feeling. Kate goes in to saying she doesn't like the people here. Noel starts in by saying that he would make sure Hannah paid and Hannah wigs out, telling them all she is not a bully and asks Ella if she thinks so too. Meanwhile, Hannah spots a birthmark on Kate's side flank that was photoshopped out of the photo. She realizes that Kate was the one who sent the sext and confronts her. She tells her that she knows and Kate breaks down saying she was worried that Spencer was going to send her boil photos to everyone. Aria and Emily record the whole thing and Kate ends up getting in trouble and Hannah is off the hook. Good job girls!


In Aria's group she has Caleb and Jenna. Spencer's mom and Jason are the group leaders. They are supposed to shut the lights and have someone they trust lead them around. Jenna says she trusts nobody because people have smacked her in the face. Caleb jumps in and says that maybe she should mention the part where she hit Hannah first. And then lets her know that it was him who was speaking, in case she didn't know. They all write messages in glow in the dark paint on the wall. Late we flash to a scene where a flashlight reads the messages. First they are typical I hate my life, then we see one that says "I know who killed Alison DiLaurentis".. creepy. I guess A is at this slumber party after all.

Emily is in a group with Mona and the vice principal and Hannah's mom. She acts out saying that she is mistreated unfairly because she cannot get back on the swim team. Mona takes heed to this and helps Em sneak into his office to blackmail him about bribes he took from the football players. She ends up getting Emily back on the team, but why? Mona says that's what friends do. I actually really do like Mona, don't you?

Aria is a bit confused still by Holden's bruise. He refuses to tell her where it is from. She then sees a bag of pills fall out of his bag. She tells him that she doesn't want to sneak around with him anymore, because she is afraid of what he is doing. He will not tell her and he is still mysterious. She goes to find Caleb on the roof and the door shuts behind her. Someone is there, is it A? No, its Noel, but he scares the crap out of her and Holden roundabout kicks him in the gut and saves Aria as they leave him up there to fend for himself. Ouch. Is that what Holden has been hiding? He is in an MMA group?

And the kickers.....

1. Jason DiLaurentis has been out of town, but is not actively trying to flag down Mr. Hastings. A little while back we learned that he covered up something for Jason's will and we didn't know why. We suspected something shady but now we know. Spencer remembers that Ali and her overheard her parents being so mad about him kissing Melissa because the gods would be angry. She confronts Jason and asks if they have the same dad and they do! She tells her mom and her mom tells her to forget it and move on. Yeah right, would you? So her father had an affair and had Jason and he has been living next door this whole time. Super crazy.


2. The mysterious caller calls them back and says he is willing to meet to talk about Vivian. As the girls are sleeping, A sneaks by and steals Caleb's computer out of his backpack. Uh oh, what is A up to and who the eff is A? I think we will find out soon and I cannot wait, can you??

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