Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Lying Game: Derek's Dead

Whoa, I know, the title. OK we will get to that. This has become one of my most favorite dramas on TV (along with Revenge, Ringer and Once!) Read on.

Sutton is back to being Sutton as she is mean to her parents and mean to sis Laurel. Big surprise. Shouldn't they know that it was not Sutton all those weeks? I think my mom would! Any who, the gang is trying to figure out who this snake guy could be. Ethan and Sutton head to school to talk to Derek since Emma said he was being really weird to her. They see his arm with a huge snake tattoo. DUH. I said a few recaps back that I thought Derek tried to drown her, especially when he was so freaked out she was alive. Ethan tries to manhandle him but the teachers break it up.

Sutton is still giving Mads a hard time for Ryan. Ryan got tickets to see a band at a club and asks Mads to go. She asks Sutton to pretend they have to go to the library together to study for midterms and she reluctantly agrees. Later on when Emma is back to being Sutton she ruins the plan. She actually meets Mads at the library and then calls Alec to see where Mads is, but she is out with Ryan. Busted. Since Alec and Rebecca are getting pretty close, she invites herself over with food and wine to wait for Mads with him. She tells him that Mads is such a good kid and wishes she would like her. She had a plan and I will tell you more on my thoughts later.

Emma doesn't want Sutton to fail midterms so she pretends to be her. Meanwhile, Ethan and Sutton go to Derek's house. They find out from his mother that the night of the accident his car broke down by the lake and he was picked up by officer Dan. Surprise! Ethan goes to confront Dan about it and he says to stay out of it.

Laurel tells mom and dad she is moving on from Justin. Meanwhile, she is at school being with him in secret. Sutton tells her to lie to mom and dad. When Emma is back in the picture, everything is rosy again! She tells Laurel to tell the truth and hugs mom and dad to apologize for all of her wrongs and say how she appreciates them. She tells Thayer how all she wanted was a family with her real sister after being in 12 foster homes. Yikes. Girl had it rough. Damn Annie Hobbs for stealing her! Laurel is sitting at a cafe and chats it up with the cute band member who she jammed with at the benefit. Until Justin comes in and takes her away. Laurel ends up jamming with this guy at her house. I smell a new romance.


Ethan and Sutton go to confront Derek at this body shop he spends lots of time at (go facebook stalking!). When they get there, he tells them that he did sneak up on Sutton in the car, but only to scare her. When the car flipped over he got out and freaked leaving Sutton there for dead. When he saw her the next day OK, he thought things were fine. Ethan wants to know who he was working for (Daddy Rybeck maybe?) so they fight. Derek hits him with a tire iron and Ethan knocks him out. They are about to rumble some more but a car is pulling up so they bolt. They end up getting pulled over by a cop, who knows Ethan so he lets him go (tail light out) but sees the bruise on his hand.


A few big things here...

1. Derek is found DEAD. That is right, DEAD. Even deaths happen on ABC family. The cops think it may be Ethan since he has a huge bruise and was driving away from the shop with Sutton. Brother Dan tells Ethan he should lay low because he will get pinched for this especially since he admits he fought him. He gives him money, they cry and he bolts.
2. He goes to the school to take Emma with him, with Thayer in back and Sutton riding shot gun. As he goes to grab her the cops are there looking for him. They run, her fancy heel snaps (by the way her outfit was GORGEOUS) and he leaves her. As the cops are speaking to her, Ethan makes a run for it. Thayer jumps out but Sutton stays put. She has always wanted to be with Ethan and now this is her chance.


3. Rebecca is ring shopping. I guess she thinks Alec will propose.

My thoughts....

Who killed Derek? I don't know. Probably Daddy Rybeck. I am pretty sure he is the one who made Derek try and kill Sutton. Rebecca is definitely the mom of the two and Alec is the dad and Ted was the delivering doctor. Annie stole Emma, but Ted got to take home Sutton as a prize. They never wanted Annie Hobbs to talk or Rebecca, because Alec was married at the time and Ted would lose his job. Any of this seem right? The only good thing here is that Emma finally gets her home back, just sans Ethan. Damn you Sutton. You ruin everything!

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