Friday, February 17, 2012

Revenge: The Engagement Party

I have been waiting all season for this episode. When this show first started we began here. A dead body lying on the beach, no introduction to these characters and lots of questions. Let's begin, shall we?

Ems and Nolan go to Amanda's hotel to find the box, but it is not there. She calls the cell phone that is inside to see who picks up. What do you know, its Tyler. A few episodes back he had stepped on that floorboard and I guess he came back to see what was in it. He tells Ems that he will give the box back if she wires him money and that he is also holding Amanda hostage. He knows the truth about the switch and he is planning on bringing her down. Ems is truly scared. Meanwhile, Tyler has been showing Amanda everything in the box. Trying to explain to her that Ems is not her friend but wants to take her down too. Amanda sees the copies of the tapes that were supposedly planted on her by Victoria. Is she taking the bait?


Jack gets an offer to do charity work if he sets sail tonight, the eve of Em's party. He decides this is a good move. He says goodbye to Ems and Nolan and she wishes him well. She is more than happy that he is safe and away from all of this. Nolan sets up the whale cam on his boat to make sure he goes.

Daniel meets with Satoshi to ensure him that the company is still in good standing. He ends up telling Satoshi not to keep his money there but he is going to run off to Paris with Emily, away from the Grayson name and all that comes with it. Grandpa Grayson also tries to convince Charlotte not to see a therapist and further air out the Grayson's dirty laundry. She ends up stealing some prescription meds of Jack's.

Victoria and Conrad are in the middle of their divorce settlement. She wants the shares to Grayson global and he wont give them up. She ends up telling him that she agrees and is willing to sign. I personally think she signs false documents. By her little smile you can tell she is up to no good. She also begs Emily to set up a convo with her and Daniel, especially if they are going to be in the same family. She agrees, but Daniel tells his mom that he wants to run away with Ems and never see her again. She warns him that Emily is only here for the Grayson name and wont want to run away with him.

Emily goes to meet Tyler in a parking lot with his money. She attaches him to the fence so she can put a gun to his head. Little does she know Amanda has now taken his side and puts a gun to hers. Tyler and Amanda get the money and Ems still has no box. Tyler is going to the engagement party and tells Amanda either she comes with or dies. She knocks him in the face and ends up escaping. She runs off to see Jack and tells him she wants to come with on his boat ride. After they talk for a few minutes she realizes that Em is not so bad and she needs to help her. She runs off to the party and Jack follows.

The Party: Charlotte is drunk and takes the pills. They drop out of her bag and Emily sees them. Nolan had warned her not to come, but she is there anyways. Satoshi is there as well and he gives Emily a present, which is really her box all wrapped up. She goes down to the beach to bury it for later. Daniel comes down to the beach to talk to her about running away to Paris. She says she cant because their lives are here. He says my mother was right and she storms off. Victoria is giving a speech about how BEGUILING Emily Thorne is and how they are so happy that she will be a part of their family. Meanwhile, Tyler is at the beach and puts a gun to Daniel's head. He starts telling him how Emily is not what she seems. Outside Amanda pulls up and Jack a few minutes later. All we hear is a shot. We see Amanda standing over the white jacket body, Jack runs up and tells her to get out. He says his car is outside. She runs out but the car wont start. A black car pulls up and she gets in and Satoshi drives her away from the scene of the crime. Jack pulls the body on to the side and the phone rings showing Emily's picture on it. Charlotte and Declan are about to go skinny dipping as they hear the phone and see a hooded man and tell him to get lost. He runs away and Charlotte screams, she thinks its her dead brother lying there. Suddenly, the whole party is running towards the beach. Victoria more than anyone. My whole thoughts were this, why not Emily? She is supposed to be the fiance. She pulls over the body of her dead son, screaming Daniel, and its not him its Tyler. WHOAH. A few seconds later, Daniel emerges from the dark with blood all over him and Victoria says to him don't say a word.


I think either Satoshi killed Tyler or Amanda, I am not sure which. But why was Daniel in the corner hiding? who knows. And did Emily really have nothing to do with this shooting? I guess not, she was at the party when the shot was heard.

Crazy how everything comes together? Did you predict this? I know I didn't.

1 comment:

  1. I've been avoiding your blog since Wednesday, since I just got a chance to watch yesterday. But WOW, my jaw dropped when we saw it was Tyler! On the one hand I was relieved, I have kind of a soft spot for Daniel and didn't want to see him die. But I liked the dynamic of Tyler's character, and I really enjoyed the wrench he threw in Emily's plans these last 2 episodes. Interesting theory that Satoshi or Amanda shot him, and not Daniel. That would explain why when Amanda met Jack on the boat, he noticed she had blood on her hands. Can't wait to see what happens next!


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