Thursday, February 16, 2012

Switched at Birth: Family Portrait

Emmet is over with Bay and eating almost everything. Kathryn tries to help by making him food. Emmet has a class project to take a family portrait, but his family is crazy. He signs a choking thing which is super funny. She offers her family up with the addition of Daphne, Regina and Adrianna. He accepts. He then speaks to Kathryn about how heartbroken Bay was over Ty. He then acts really weird to Bay and says he needs to go every time they get together.


Daphne and Simone are besties. Simone tells Daph she found the watch that was supposedly stolen. She sold that watch to help pay for a professional coach for them to win the tryouts to start on the bball team. Monica tells them her friends are not allowed to play anywhere because they were accused of stealing. Daphne urges Simone to tell coach the truth, but she says no and to drop it. Simone then tries to dress Daphne in a tight dress which Regina disapproves of.

Daphne reaches out to Bay to figure out why she stopped being friends with Simone. She tells her this story of this girl they tortured in 8th grade. They made a video of this girl professing her love to a jock guy. Then they made the video viral. The girl had to transfer schools because of the embarrassment. Daphne goes to coach to tell him about the finding of the watch. Simone already beat her to it and made Daphne look like the one behind the whole idea. Daphne admits she knows that she was hired because of her disability. Coach decides to play fair and pins her against Simone to see who starts.


Meanwhile, Kathryn is writing her book and she eventually shows John. John takes Toby with him to play baseball and his amazing. Toby loves his music though, so he was never interested in his raw baseball talent. John cant understand, but eventually tries to see Toby preform.

Speaking of raw talent, Regina is back at the salon and cutting some guys hair. They end up going on a date and she convinces him to look at Bay's artwork. Bay shows him a few pieces but he is not interested. She is only 16 and her work does not say much just yet. He is however interested in Regina's piece with broken glass. It was from her drinking time and it shows something. He wants to show it in her gallery. She tells this to Bay and she gets really upset. Even Kathryn argues with Regina about this. Adriana comes back to live with them.

Daphne plays against Simone and beats her out for the position. Simone then snubs her and Daphne learns she is not her true friend. My thought is, isn't Simone dating Toby who is brothers to both Daphne and Bay? Wouldn't she have to be nice to her boyfriend's sisters? And where is Wilke?

The family portrait is going on and they are all uncoordinated and unorganized. They finally get it together and Emmet takes the shot. Bay asks him what is wrong and he asks her if she loved Ty. It gets deeper. He is really upset how is parents were in love and got divorced and wants to know if him and Bay will fall out of love. She says wait, are we in love? He signs, I am and she says me too. They kiss and I am super happy. My heart swells.


In the end, Regina has a missed call from Angelo. And Emmet texts his mom because he misses her.

I love this show and I want to see more depth and less of a filler episode, please!

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