Wednesday, February 1, 2012

90210: Bree Sets the Fire

I have to say, I hope they are going somewhere with this. I need the energy on this show to pick up.

Austin and Dixon are still reeling over this arson thing to the Kappa house. Annie ends up becoming friends with Bree again and offering her to stay at Austin/Dixon's. While having dinner with them she overhears them talking about vandalizing the house. She then plants lighter fluid under Dixon's bed and anonymously tips off the cops. She does this why you say? She burned her client list in the bathroom and apparently the curtains caught on fire. It ended up burning down the house. She didn't want the cops to know about the prostitution so she blamed it on the boys. Later on Annie tells Austin the truth and he ends up turning himself in.

Meanwhile, Naomi is about to fail her psychics class. Her nerdy TA is mad at her for never inviting him to any of her parties. Just when I think she is going to have another Max, she ends up inviting him to a party, doing her experiment (After her inner Max tells her to, cute moment) and she gets to pass the class with a C.

Vanessa wants Liam to have a huge party at the bar, she spends his bank money on buying imported beer, somehow gets the All American Rejects to preform live (amazing band!) and works with Naomi to make the ultimate fiesta. They are still together and I don't like it. I want her out of the picture. Cant she go back to being Lexie?


Ivy's boyfriend is still on project but he sends her to show her work at a gallery. The girl who runs it apparently dated her boyfriend Nick and doesn't want to give Ivy the time of day. They end up talking and she gets to show her work to her. Not sure what this storyline is. Seems like it was just placed there. Where is Raj? Is he OK?

And I guess the cliffhanger of it all, if you can call it that.....

Adrianna confronts Silver about dating the adoptive father of her child. Silver is a complete biotch to her and tells her it doesn't matter. Aid then picks up Maisy from school pretending to be Silver and spends time with her at the park. Silver and Navid try to figure out where Aid may be so they go to her room and rifle through her things. (Where is her mother?) They find a note Aid wrote to Maisy and realize where she is. When they find Aid Silver sits down with her and tells her she forgives her and they become friends again. Silver then takes Aid with her to meet Greg and he is taken back by seeing Aid there. It was not Silver's decision to do this and he is rightfully pissed. He breaks up with Silver and takes Maisy away from both of them. Well, at least they have each other right?

Ehhh... just ok I guess. I am not sure what I want from this show, but it used to be my favorite and now it is lacking.

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