Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Tailgate

Marshall goes to his father's grave to watch the Vikings game with him. He brings a grill and some beer and tries to have some dead father/son bonding time. While there, he recants the crew's New Year's Eve tales to the headstone. During this time, his two other brothers grave crash, a man who is at his aunt's funeral is annoying and wants a burger, some chips, to watch the game and a jar of pickles. One man even opens his beer on daddy's tombstone. By the end of the scenario there is a whole bunch of men around.

Lily/Marshall spent their New Years in their new house. Marshall makes Lily call her dad to tell him she is preggo. He is at a board game convention, promoting a shop lifting game, he tells her thanks and hangs up. She is horrified. Marshall tells Lily that he wants the baby to believe in the magical and mystical, but Lily is not a believer. Until the end when daddy shows up with a huge teddy bear. He was actually so excited, he screamed at the convention and then left his board game post.

Robin/Kevin are watching the Sandy Rivers (her old costar and Wesley from Buffy. Nice to have your wife the star of the show, huh?) New Year's eve show as he bolts from the scene and calls her crying. Kevin encourages her to get back into the hosting profession as she takes over for Sandy. Win/Win for Robyn. I guess they dropped the whole Barney/Robyn love story?

Ted/Barney are trying to get into McClaren's but the bouncer (who they previously got into a fight with, wore a toupee) tells them its $50 a head plus $20 for the hats, that are wet. They decide that they want to skip this place and create their own bar, called Puzzles. They have a theme song and a poster (reminiscent of Cheers) and put the bar in their apartment. They decide drinks will be $2 and they will let anyone in. It turns into a disaster and people are breaking things, so they raise the price of drinks and then hire the old bartender. They close down puzzles.


We end with Marshall and the crowd of people at the graveyard. He is clearly pissed, but then remember that his dad always said the more the merrier, and someone mistakes him for dear old dad and his heart melts.

Excited for a new season!

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