Monday, January 9, 2012

Switched at Birth

I have to say that ABC Family has done it AGAIN. I was hesitant to begin this show, but decided to DVR the entire first season and see what I thought. I was truly blown away.

Background: Rich family the Kenish's (Dad was a former MLB player, mom is a housewife) and daughter Bay (Vanessa Marano) and son Toby don't all look alike. Bay is a dark haired girl and the rest are light hair and light eyes. One day at her prep school she does a blood typing test and tells her fam the results. They don't think it could be right since it doesn't match their own. She asks to go to the hospital to get some tests done. The doctor tells them that it seems the girls were switched at birth and that Bay is not really their daughter. Bay is such a witty, wry, outspoken, relatable character that you just love to watch her. She is so dramatic, but in a good teenage way. The other family is Regina Vasquez, who is a single mom, to Daphne (Katie LeClerc) who went deaf at the age of 5 from Meningitis. She goes to an all deaf school and has a bestie, hottie, male friend named Emmit. Daphne is gorgeous and smart and she can read lips and speak, but is still deaf.


Once they find out about the switch, the Kenish's invite Regina, her mother Adriana and Daph to move into the guest house to be closer to them. Regina gets a job at a fancy salon in the neighborhood, Daphne ends up dating Bay's ex boyfriend Liam then breaking up with him because Bay asked her to, Bay dates a neighborhood kid Ty, who leaves for the army, Toby is a gambler and gets in trouble with his friend Wilke, and we all start to realize that Emmit is in love with Daphne. He has a whole shrine of photos to her in his room. He also falls for Bay and they start a very difficult relationship of hearing and not hearing. Bay searches for father, Angelo Sorrento (think sexy man from Brothers & Sisters) and tries to get to know him. The Kennish's try to sue the hospital and little did they know Regina had found out about the switch a long time ago from a private investigator. This is where the tension gets thick. When we last left off, Daphne kisses Emmit at a car wash fundraiser and he yells at her. He signs "8 years, I waited for 8 years for you" as she signs back that she just realizes this now, but he signs back he is with Bay. Daph tells Bay she may have broke up with Liam, but will not stop with Emmit. Meanwhile, Emmit wants to take speech lessons to speak to Bay and his mother is concerned for a death/hearing relationship. Bay is getting really good at her sign language though!

Winter Premiere: John wants to set ground rules for seeing Angelo. Bay wants to meet him at a jazz club, but John wants there to be a chaperone. Regina decides to go and it turns into a scene from how her family would have turned out. They end up fighting and Bay is left with resentment.


Kathryn meets the nurse who may save them from this lawsuit. She had worked a 48 hour shift and remembers her being there and is willing to testify about the switch.

Emmit decides to play in a music festival with Toby and Wilke, because he is a bad ass drummer. Daphne is so upset about everything (Him being with Bay and her father returning) she decides to drive all night to see them play. When she gets there its so late she crawls into Emmit's tent. When he wakes he is furious why she is there. She leaves the tent, but not before Toby catching her leaving. He gets all big brother defensive and Emmit has to diffuse the situation.

Bay also shows up at the festival and is all kissy with Emmit, super cute. Daphne is not happy about this. Bay and Emmit try to order chicken enchiladas and the guy is so impatient that Bay jumps in. Emmit is mad. Then some guy pushes Emmit and Bay jumps in, he is mad again. He tries to tell her that he likes people to take a minute and try to figure things out, that it wont kill them and he is right. She apologizes and they make up. I have a bad feeling about this one, but at the same time I love them together.

Daphne tries to take her mind off things and ends up in small trysts with Wilke. They jump in the pool together as he takes off her hearing aids. They are cute together!

I am pretty sure the next episodes will be just as good. I love this concept of deaf and hearing and being switched. There are so many twins, switch shows out there, I cannot wait!! Do you like this show too?

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