Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Desperate Housewives: Being Good

We start off with Bree shooing men and in and out of her house at 4:00am, because Mclusky gets up at 5:00am. Some of them are more persistent than others as they want her phone number and to see her again (hello you know where she lives), so she offers them a muffin as they leave. She has become not only a drunk, but the town slut. Good job Bree.

Gaby is planning on remodeling her home (prob a good idea to get rid of the rug with the blood on it) and asks Lynette and Renee to do the job. We find out that Lynette is ready to start dating. She goes with Renee to her hair salon and wants to get set up with her hairdresser. Renee is adamant about this, but concedes. Lynette goes on a date with him and things are off to a good start. He begins to talk about why it didn't work with his ex, she was too controlling, blah blah and Lynette chimes in with her pushy thoughts. She tries to seem cool but with every "although" she pushes him farther and farther away. Renee however gets the brunt of this as her stylist makes her hair look like an afro. "He was the only man in this Podunk town who knew how to relax a black woman's hair, damn Lynette!"

Ben is on to the plan of asking Renee to marry him so he can inherit her money. He even gets rid of his huge fish he has hanging on his wall. He proposes to her with a huge freaking rock and after she sincerely cries and says yes and she can finally trust a man again he takes it back. He tells her the real reason for the proposal. He loves her, but this is not right. Now her and Lynette are single again, together. Ben also decides to take the money from the loan shark, what a bad move.

from abc.com

Meanwhile, Claudia shows up at Susan's door screaming for her husband. She thinks Susan is having an affair with him. Susan begs her to leave but the next day sees fliers all around the neighborhood saying "have you seen this man? Your neighborhood slut Susan Delfino has", I died. I swear. Stupid Susan. She always lets her good nature get her into trouble. Do we not remember the porn maid service? Gaby sees these and calls Claudia after she learns that Marissa, her daughter, was also being molested by Alejandro. She tells Claudia the truth and she doesn't believe her until Marissa comes in and says "will you believe me?" and they cry and hug. My heart clenched. Such a touching moment and well acted. "At least you believed her" Gaby says with a broken spirit. Claudia sees the red blood stain and even after being told it was wine, she realizes who's blood it is and says nothing more than "you better throw that out".

from abc.com

Back over at the bar, Bree has her eyes on some young man candy as the priest comes over and tells her to stop this before it gets bad. She refuses and he tells her she cannot run the bake sale. She doesn't care and shows up anyway after drinking an entire bottle of wine and baking a strawberry tart. She walks in super bony and sets up shop. She sees the guy from the other night who wanted to get to know her and tries to hit on him although he goes running. A woman, of course his wife, asks how they know each other and there is a cat fight. This woman calls Bree the town whore and after being kicked out, she walks away owning her status. Apparently she likes strange men and doesn't care who knows it.

Excited for next week, I saw that Danielle is pregnant. AGAIN? Damn, it must run in that family. And are we going to have more with the secret killer? And will somebody die? Yikes, when is this season over? Tear.

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