Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Overbearing Mothers in ASL

I have to say that even in a deaf house, moms are still the same. Always trying to have a hand in what you do and trying to make decisions for you. I really hope when I become a mother, I am more of a guide, rather than a dictator.

Emmit's mom walks in on him and Bay kissing. They have some large signing argument and Bay excuses herself. Emmit's mom discovers he quit AP bio to take speech classes. She blames it all on Bay of course. I don't really understand why Emmit cannot take speech therapy? Is it the devil to hearing impaired? He thinks it is a good idea to get Bay to come over and spend time with his mother and play games. She agrees and make spinach dip and brings Regina. It doesn't go so well, considering that she signed the wrong thing and said "circumcise" (I guess they have a word for everything!) and Melody laughs at her. She storms out and even Regina yells at Melody "She is my daughter too and you owe her an apology" Go Regina! In the car ride home, Regina sticks up for Melody and Bay tells her there is always someone in between them.


Meanwhile, Daphne plays a pick up game for Buckner with her new friend Simone (Who also starred on Desperate Housewives as Gaby and Carlos' niece Ana). The coach is impressed by Daph and offers for her to play for them. She tells John that she wants to quit and he tells her no. She seems to always listen to him, although she is not happy. Simone invites her to a 21 year old club and she needs a fake ID. She asks Wilke and he makes one for her and then begins to make more for all of the deaf kids at Carlton. She goes to the club and Wilke follows her there. She tells him they are just friends and that her feelings will not change. He is heartbroken and leaves.

At the club, the girls are drinking and playing a game of kiss a stranger. Daph chimes in and kisses a guy who has a girlfriend. Simone saves her and then doesn't pay the check. Not too sure what is going on here, but earlier Bay had tried to warn Daphne to be careful about Simone. Sisterly advice?

Katherine is meeting with a reporter who tells her that there will be a tell all book and Katherine should get on board if she wants the truth to be told. Katherine, ends up resisting and then after studying books by Snookie and Kendra (great role models) she tells hubby that she wants to write the book herself. Maybe a new job for a housewife?

Daphne stands up to John and tells him that she may not be able to control Emmit being with Bay, or Angelo back in town, but she can control her basketball commitment. She is going to quit Carlton (they are losers and not competitive, since she gets her competition and sport gene from the Kennishes) and play for Buckner. Good move Daph!

Emmit's mother apologizes to him and he tells her that Bay will be in his life for a while and she should get used to it. She says she will make peace with Bay and he signs thank you. Last scene is Emmit in his own garage, fixing his bike with a wrench. A cop car pulls up, blinds him basically with their light and starts talking to him and he cannot see their lips nor understand. He signs he cannot hear them and holds up his hand with the wrench to stop the light blinding and they come over and cuff him. My heart breaks for Emmit and how can they and why did they do that? Did he do something wrong?

I love this new series... get on board!!!

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