Friday, November 25, 2011

Will the real Amanda please stand up?

Where do I begin? This episode was like a good song. I wanted to replay it over and over again and memorize the lines. Let's dig in.

Lydia is still under the care of Victoria as she keeps her captive. She tells her she remembers everything, the speech, her words about hatred and Victoria smiles. I love how she smiles through everything, never showing her true emotions. She is one cold soul. Victoria also reads over Charlotte's shoulder seeing that Declan thinks "tonight's the night", she all too well knows what that means. She also makes her way to Emily's to tell her they should make up in lieu of Daniel. Emily wants nothing more than Victoria to think they are besties, so she can crush her. The police come in to search for Frank's phone and they now have reason to believe that Conrad is the prime suspect. He smartly says "whoever planted that phone is the one who set up the camera" Well Watson, you are right about that one.

Nolan goes to Jack's bar and sees Amanda lying on the Amanda. He informs "EMS or do you mean AMS" that she is still a problem. Mrs/ Grayson comes in to see Declan and asks him what it will cost to stay away from her daughter, that everybody has a price. This is a classic rich world/poor world story line, where money is thrown so that people will disappear.

The Grayson beach volleyball tournament is in full swing and of course jock boy Daniel is beating Ty. Emily, excuses herself after Nolan calls. Back on the Amanda, Emily comes and confronts her why she didn't leave. She tells her she is not going anywhere and Emily backs off. She too, like Victoria, needs to keep her cool. She however makes a secretive phone calls from her cool box and Inspector Gadget phone and says she needs to see someone - but who?!

Mr. Grayson tells the boys that they can compete once again. The first of them to sign a $20mil client gets a hefty reward. Old Ty is foaming at the mouth. Nolan gets a call about his credit card being stolen and realizes that it was Tyler who stole it. He bought himself some new duds and a $5k dress for Ashley, his beard. Nolan calls Ty to confront him, he just blows it off and asks to meet him for his possible business so that he can win the reward.

Tyler comes over to make nice with Nolan and tries to offer his sexual duties upon him. Nolan refuses but lets him stay in the house. Sets up his handy penguin camera and tapes Tyler and the speech he stole from the shredder. He calls Em to let her know and they decide they need to get that speech back so Nolan should go to the Grayson party and say he wants to invest, then pull out at the last minute.

Emily goes too and she sees Daniel trying to butter up a Japanese client, but all he can talk about is Tokyo Disney. She speaks Japanese as well and escorts the guest to the bar. We found out that this is no ordinary Asian business man. He is the one she called earlier on the phone for help. He knew her father and apparently helped her train for "revenge" in Japan after she switched identities. I love the flashbacks, nothing is mismatched and everything flows.

Declan and Charlotte rendezvous and he tells her he took $25k from her mother to stop seeing her, but in actuality will get his own place so they can be together. Victoria, really?! Could you be that stupid? Back at the mansion, Ashley asks Victoria why she was hired. She then tells her it was partly because she is friends with Em. She then begins to divulge there is more to Em than people see. She invites her to lunch the next day and Ashley walks off and calls her Victoria, not Mrs. Grayson. Way to take a stand Ash and throw Em under the bus.

Back on the Amanda, Jack and Amanda are sailing pretty close. She decides to drive and they end up making out. As she gets a rush of real happiness she does the ultimate. She tells him that she is the REAL Amanda Clark. I am in shock. My mouth is open, fully agape and I am like NO SHE DIDN'T!! I think the worst part is that he believes her and embraces her like Emily really deserves.


Nolan and Ty discuss the deal back in Daniel's room and they begin to make out. Ashley walks in on them, drops her glass and Tyler runs after her. He tells her he is doing what he needs to do and she is still following around Mrs Grayson like a puppy. Tyler gets Nolan's money and the deal and Mr. Grayson is satisfied. He also removes Lydia from the house after she begs him too. Victoria's plans are falling apart, yet she still smiles.

Final scene, we have Jack show up at Emily's door and talk about this childhood crush who used to live in her house. Amanda is standing in the lurches and she pretends to introduce herself and not know her as they shake hands. She goes with Jack to see her old porch swing, burn, and then holds his hand, double burn. Emily is filled with rage.

Am I the only one who has NO idea how she will get herself out of this one?

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