Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's All a Charade...

Another great episode of Revenge, they totally knock this out of the park every week.

The picture perfect Graysons are getting ready for their 25th wedding anniversary. The NYTimes (who else) is doing a piece on them and their wedded bliss. Sneaky Ty lets Emily's name be knownst to the reporter who then interviews Em on her love for dear old Daniel. You would think she wants to keep her name out of the papers.

This is not another one of their large galas but an intimate dinner to celebrate adultery for 25 years. Charlotte invites bad boy Declan, Emily and Daniel are there and Ty invites Ashley, although sans Ty. He is over at Nolan's (who has hired a bodyguard since his run-in with Frank the Tank, good move Nolan!) where we see Nolan let Tyler know he is on to him. He knows that Tyler is lying about something. Apparently, Tyler's fam lost all of their money and he has been living this charade that he is still wealthy. He wants to be able to get a job with Grayson global. He had an older woman pay his way through college and living expenses as a "Gay Kept man". Ty offers his gay services to Nolan to keep him hush hush. Little did he know that computer techie genius was videotaping the whole thing for a later on blackmail scheme.

Back at the Grayson mansion, Declan decides to open his big mouth and make Emily feel bad about toying with his big brother Jack's feelings. He then storms out, then follows Daniel, then Emily to suit. She tells him she is scared and she is falling in love with him. We almost believe her. How could you not fall in love with dear old Danny boy? He's gorgeous.


Frank the Tank is still lurking in the shadows. He shows up at Lydia's comatose bed in the hospital and then is off on a mission to the Warden to see who Emily Thorne really is. The Warden is in cahoots with Em/Amanda because of some large donation she threw her way. Frank breaks in after hours and sees her file and takes a photo with his camera of the real Emily Thorne. (AhA! I always wondered where she got this whole new life from).

He goes to find the real Emily Thorne and tracks her down to a strip club. He gets a private lap dance from her as she is posing as Amanda Clarke. He tells her he knows the truth about the old switcheraroo and wants to meet her after her shift is over. He then calls Victoria and says "Emily Thorne is not who she says she is" when WHAM. Stripper/dancer Emily/Amanda whacks him over the head and then again in the face. (Dead, maybe?)

Back at la la land. Lydia awakes from her coma and Conrad is by her side. Who knows what she will remember? Tyler confesses the truth to dear Ashley and realizes that she may be able to help him stay in the game just a little bit longer.Victoria is having flashbacks of her David Clarke days and realizes she did the only man she ever loved dirty and cannot live with the regret.

Emily and Daniel have a touching moment when he tells her he is falling for her too. They coital and lay in bed together as there is a rapping at her door. She goes to answer and the real Emily Thorne is there, hugs her and tells her what happened with Frank. He is now lying in a ditch somewhere. Em/Amanda seems worried and she should be, her plan is unraveling really fast.

I cannot wait to see next week's episode... can you?

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