Monday, November 7, 2011

How Snow and Charming Really Met...

I love how this show really portrays the back stories of all my favorite characters. In this episode Henry feels that John Doe who has been in a coma for 5 years (the evil queen/mayor is also his emergency contact and was the one who killed him in fairytale world making him into this coma patient). So Henry feels that Miss Mary Margaret or Snow should read to him and it would help. Emma and Mary feel this will help to quell his fears so she does read to him. In the midst of the story he grabs her hand.

She tells the doctor (who I am still not sure who he is just yet) and he calls the mayor to let her know that there has been brain activity. John Doe goes missing into the woods (didn't realize the back of the hospital leads to the woods). During this escape, we see the back story of how Snow met Charming. (In fact he tells her his real name is James). She was exiled by the evil queen (not sure yet why, her wanted poster however says treason, murder and other blasphemous things with a hefty reward attached). She decides to steal from rich people (Peter Pan much?) and try to get some money by bartering things to trolls so she can escape here and start a new life. She steals from Charming who is apparently dating this nasty blonde who he wants to propose to. Charming chases snow and captures her. They go on this escapade to find the ring from the trolls and they save each other. Then they spout out how they will always find each other, but he still goes to marry this girl. Snow is witty and wry and I love her back then. I still don't know how they eventually get together. But, she does show in Storybrook that she is wearing the engagement ring we got a glimpse of in the reverie.


John Doe is found and wakes up. The evil queen suddenly finds his long lost wife (the same nasty blonde from earlier) and claims that he is David and she loves him, but he is without memory. Snow and him share a loving glance and we see that Emma (who is really snows daughter) goes to live with Mary Margaret and be her roommate.

I actually love this show. I love anything that takes fairy tales and puts them into reality. I am really excited for next week when they start to show Cinderella. I really hope that we get to see Charming and Snow end up together. My only question is, does the evil queen not know she is evil and set this all into motion?

Stay tuned, you know I will :)

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