Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pretty Little Liars: Jenna's in the fire

Wow. I have to say tat we are getting so much closer to A and all the websites say I should know by now, but I don't! My mind is racing and I still have no clue. I know A is a male, but whom? Is it Lucas? Caleb? Toby? Let's begin, shall we?

Aria meets up with Duncan and he tells her that he was very close with Ali. He used to fly her in his plane. Aria agrees to go flying with him to find out more. He tells her that he picked up Ali that Sunday of the weekend she went missing to a field in Philly. He said she was running from someone, but he didn't know who. He was super upset to learn that she died.


Meanwhile Ezra meets with Ella and she tells him that she is not an ally. Ezra then meets with Byron to let him know he is not taking the job. Byron says this is a big mistake and Ezra basically stands up for himself saying that yes its a great opportunity, but he wants to stay here. He calls Aria and leaves her a message telling her to call and that he loves her.


Spencer sees Toby walking through the hallway with a half blind Jenna. She had surgery on one eye. She confronts him and asks about Jenna and is confused why he is by her side. He gives her the nastiest looks. I have a feeling he is with Jenna to find out more info or to stop the girls from getting hurt. Hannah later confronts Toby about staying away from Jenna, but he blows her off as well, telling them that they should be ashamed of what they did to his sister. Even the cops and fire marshalls are trying to figure out what happened that night she went blind. Spencer confronts her mom about the $15K and her mom realizes there are more secrets than she thought.


Emily gets a text from Maya and then an email saying she is ok. Telling her why she loves her because she is so still. She begs Em not to tell her parents, but Emily decides to do the right thing and call Maya's parents to let them know their daughter is OK.

Jason gives the girls a bag of Ali's stuff. They go through it and find nothing, just a music box and a bunch of things. As they are looking through it, they realize the newspaper it was wrapped in had highlighted segments. They need to figure it out more. One of them is of a concert in 2009 and they need to figure out if Ali was there.


The Kickers...

1. They go to get the bag back from Jason's house and the house is filled with smoke. Hannah sees Jenna inside, sans glasses and pulls her out with the help of Spencer. They bring her to the hospital and she is OK. Spencer gets glass pulled out of her by Ren and they talk about their love. Toby even asks her if she is OK. Spencer's mom is there and is willing to sit and talk with Jason.

2. Jenna asks to see the girls and tells them she doesn't blame them. She obviously blames A. She said she got a text from Jason to come over, but I guess it wasn't him since he was on the highway when the police called. She realizes that Hannah pulled her out and asks her why, Han says you are welcome and walks out.
3. We see the girls with the music box playing and then A with his black leather gloves placing Garrett's badge at the scene of the crime.

I still have no clue who A is. But I thought Jenna was working with A, then why would they try and blow her up? Is it Noel? Who knows!! I cannot wait to find out.

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