Monday, March 5, 2012

Desperate Housewives: Goodbye Orson

Only 7 episodes left until the finale of this season. I have said it before and I will say it again, I am going to really miss these girls. Let's see how they pan out this episode, shall we?

Lynette: Lynette and Tom meet with Porter to discuss his life plan now that he is keeping the baby. He tells them he got a job at a restaurant but needs someone to watch the baby all day. Lynette refuses, seeing that she still has a 1 year old on her arms. So sad, that her and Tom cant work it out. Tom offers to take the kids away for one week so she can have some alone time and she isn't too happy. She likes being needed. Porter asks for the bassinet that all the kids used and says he wants to name the baby Lynette. She is super touched but that does not change her mind.

Susan: Susan meets up with Porter and offers her time to watch the baby. She decides to turn Julie's room into a nursery and they talk about making the room black and white like a French girl and naming the kid Sophie after her mother. Lynette is less than happy about this as she comes over and they fight about the name and she drags the bassinet out of the house. Tom goes to talk to Susan about how Lynette needs to be needed and Mike goes to talk to Lynette about how Susan wants Julie to love her. They end up making up and work together on the nursery, sans Julie.

Gaby: Carlos is getting out of rehab so she buys one balloon and a bottle of champagne for herself. She tries to kick out Roy but he tells her how selfish she is. She goes to see Karen to fix things up. Karen ends up fainting and Gabby checks her into the hospital. After pretending to be her daughter, she learns that Karen has cancer again. She tells Roy about it and they reunite. Super cute. She puts all these balloons up and things for Carlos' return and re-evaluates how selfish she has been.

Renee: The loan shark is back at her house trying to intimidate her into giving him more money. She refuses and has a nasty run in with him. She goes to visit Ben at the hospital and tells Mike about how well he is doing. He sees lights on in her house and sees the loan shark messing up her place. They get into a fight and Mike beats the stuffing out of him. He warns him he will be back and that Mike should've killed him. I am a bit afraid for Renee. Doesn't anyone lock their doors anymore?


Bree: Bree is ready for the trip to Maine with Orson. She tells him that she wants them to wear their matching monogrammed hats, but he left his at home. She says they are going over there to get it. While they are there, Orson tries to hide all the evidence that he knows about the murder and sent the notes. He misses the garbage can however and Bree discovers this. He tells her that he knew but did this to protect her, isolate her from her friends and get her to love him again. She tells him she wants him out of her and never wants to speak to him again. She gets a call from him saying he wants to kill himself and he says he wont, but tells her that she will pay for what she did. End episode with a manila envelope addressed to the police probably containing all of the photos and pictures of the girls committing the crime.


Next week they tell us someone will die. Will it be Karen or one of the girls, possibly Renee? And Juanita is up on a ledge? YIKES.

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