Monday, March 5, 2012

Grimm: Three Coins

Let's begin...

A poor little jewelery shop man is closing up. Three guys break in and rob the store. The owner hides himself in his vault and then goes to a lock box to get this box with three coins. They break into the safe and kill him, steal everything and leave. When they get back to their hiding place they realize the coins are not there, but where are they? Another man comes in and they look scared of him, he wants the coins too.

Meanwhile, Nick and Hank are called into the scene. Nick sees a monster looking guy watching the scene and orders to get all the videotapes. They trace the car back to this hiding spot. They go in and find the two guys dead, they shot each other and the other man who does not look scared. Nick sees him change into a bird like creature and they arrest him. The main bad guy gets away and kills the cop who was outside the house.

The coroner cut the guy open, because he died from poison not the blast. She tells Nick and Hank that these coins where in his stomach and that is what killed him. She refuses to give up these coins but Hank takes them. Once he has them he acts all super rough and energetic. They go into the station and he starts manhandling the guy and questioning him too hard. Nick talks to the guy alone. He knows he is a grimm. He tells him that he has worked with Grimms before, in fact he was in love with one. She left him 18 years ago to take care of her sister's child after she died. Ding Dong. This must be aunt Marie and the kids is Nick and the dead parents in the car crash in Rhinebeck, are his own. The bird guy tells him that the guy who killed his parents was the same bad guy on this case.

The captain takes the coins from Hank and tells him to get some rest. He calls a friend of his and speaks in another tongue saying how he found the coins. The friend warns him to be careful. Apparently, whomever possesses these coins with the lion head on one side and the Nazi symbol on another has great strength. He is invincible. We learn that the coins got into the hands of Hitler at some point and then made its way here. People have been guarding them ever since. The bird guy is an actual protector and wants to take the coins back.


The captain, so high on power, imagines all the people at his window. He also calls a huge press conference about crime in America. The bad guy stripped the now dead cop and wore his uniform to get into the station. Does anyone else notice the dead guys name on the shirt? Nick tells the bird guy that the woman he loves with his aunt. He also tells Juliet about this guy and she does some digging about the car crash and Aunt Marie. The bird guy is let free and they need to capture the other bad guy. He is about to get the captain, but Nick swoops in and helps him and the bird guy steals the coins. They kill the bad guy and Nick tries to ask him about the accident, but the guy dies wanting to hold the coins one more time.

Nick goes to the bird guy's hotel room and finds his suitcase, along with an old film reel and the guy. He steals the coins back from him. Nick places the coins in their lead box and behind some things in Aunt Marie's trailer. He plays the old film reel on some old movie player. We see Hitler making a speech, holding the coins and he morphs into a monster as well. Go figure. Hitler a monster? I would have to agree, wholeheartedly.


Grimm is truly great TV, don't you think? Are you excited to see next week with the dragon monster and Juliet being the damsel in distress?

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