Monday, March 12, 2012

Grimm: The Dragon

Grimm is really a hidden gem on TV. Let's begin, shall we?

Two men go into a building and all of a sudden feel a hiss, have a mist sprayed on them and then a huge fire ball comes at them and makes them toast. When the cops are called in, they learn from the building manager that most of his buildings have been broken into. They find this oily grease on the floor and when they run tests learn that it is human fat. A man who was driving by that night saw a burned old man almost run into the middle of the road. He describes him and they draw a picture of him. They do a fingerprint search and find out it is this guy Fred Eberheart who was a war vet. He used to work on the old railroads until he was laid off. He has one living relative, his daughter Ariel.

Nick goes to see Ariel at her place of work. Little did he know it is a raunchy dance place for monsters and ghouls alike. He sees all their faces change and sees Ariel on stage doing a fire breathing act. He also sees Monroe at the front table having a beer. He sits down with him and Ariel's face changes and sees him as well. She can eat fire. Monroe tells him this must be a Deamonfuer (fire breathing dragon) of old age like when the dragon would steal the princess and the knight would slay him. It is funny to see Monroe, who is normally so reserved in a place like this. Monroe also tells Nick that a Grimm was just killed a few days ago, decapitated and all.


Nick goes backstage to see Ariel and she gets excited to see a Grimm. He tells her about her father being the suspect in an arson case. She says she has not seen him since her mother died and he left her. Nick decides to follow her home and hears some strange noises so he goes to investigate. Ariel sees him and jumps on top of him, kisses him and then rips his shirt open. For a second Nick is enjoying this. He then comes to his senses and throws her off of him. She has always wanted to see a Grimm. His phone rings and she picks it up and Juliet is on the other end. Juliet is furious and rightfully so. Nick leaves the scene.


We see Fred using this old railroad car that he works by hand to bring materials to this underground tunnel. Ariel goes there as well and sees her poor sick father laying down. She tells him she is going to help him, she has a plan. Guess she is in contact with him after all. Juliet is furious and wants Nick to explain, so he does. He then takes Hank with him back to Ariel's house but she is not home. Her whole house is filled with copper and it is about to blow, but they get out of there. He gets a message from Juliet that he should come home.

When he gets there he sees her sleeping in bed. He goes to kiss her and notices its not her, but Ariel from the tattoos on her back. Ariel has kidnapped Juliet. She wants to reenact this whole stealing the princess thing for her father. Nick enlists Monroe to help him and they figure out how to drive the old train car. Monroe is to get Juliet and Nick is to slay the dragon. Monroe unties Juliet's hands as Nick is dodging fireballs. Ariel comes over to taunt Juliet and she punches her in the face and escapes with Monroe. He introduces herself to her after he had this cute convo with Nick how him and Juliet have never met. Nick ends up spearing Fred and he dies. Ariel is happy that her dad died in dignity and then she spins around and says it is her turn.


Nick, Monroe and Juliet escape and are driving back. He flashes back to his Aunt Marie telling him to say goodbye to Juliet if he wants to save her and we know he is considering this. Ariel walks out of the cave and she is still alive. What is her plan?

I saw scenes for the next episode, but my DVR says it is not new. Oh no!

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