Monday, April 23, 2012

Grimm: Cat and Mouse

Another amazing episode of Grimm. Let's dig in, shall we?

There is a bounty hunter on the loose looking for this man, Ian, who is a part of this group that protects against this other group that the hunter comes from. He follows Ian and shoots him, but doesn't kill him. He steals his bag though which has his passport, so he cannot leave. Ian finds his way to Rosalee's shop. He is the same animal as she and they used to be a thing. She helps him to get the bullet out along with Monroe. Monroe calls Nick to come check it out.


Nick and Hank go to check out the blood and interview the bus driver who shows them the false name on the ticket. The guy who killed him goes to a bar and kills the bartender after he gets the name of someone to help him get passports. He goes to Nick and tells him he saw the shooting, even though he was the shooter. He sees Nick is a Grimm and freaks. Waltz calls the chief and tells him he wants this guy Ian or he will kill everyone. Waltz goes to get the passports from Reginald who he threatens his family if he doesn't help.

Rosalee tries to get passports from Ian from Reginald as well. He tricks her, gives her the passports, but sends Waltz after her. Waltz kills the passport guy anyway and goes to kill Rosalee if she doesn't give up Ian. Nick is trying to help them, but also needs to do the right thing. Monroe has Ian and goes to bring him back, but sends Nick in first. This confuses Waltz and Rosalee kicks the gun out of his hand and they shoot him. They send Ian off with his new ID to try and run again.

Only 4 episodes left and next is about the reapers, yikes!

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