Thursday, April 5, 2012

Awake: First Episode Review

I watched this last night on demand, since I couldn't fall asleep after the 2 hour finale of OTH. Here is my recap of the first episode and the show in general. I do not think I will watch again however. Let's begin, shall we?

Detective Michael Britten has a car crash with his wife and son, Rex. In one reality, with the male shrink, his son has died. In the other reality, with the woman shrink, his wife has died. Every time he goes to sleep he is one different reality. I am not sure which one he would pick if he could. They also throw in his crime cases. In one is about a kidnapped girl and the other about a guy who shoots cabbies. It seems to be the same killer in both and he gets clues from the other realities. A bit strange. He doesn't know which reality he would like to live in. But his wife wants another baby and his son has a tennis couch that seems to be interested in him. Which would you choose?

Is this something you will be watching?

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