Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Revenge: Season Premiere - Destiny

When we last left off, Daniel and Emily had broken up and he was with Ashley. She went to tell Jack she loved him and who she really was, but Amanda was preggo with his baby. She had learned her mother was still alive and Victoria Grayson died in a plane crash orchestrated by Conrad. We are back at the start of Memorial day in the Hamptons, let's see how our favorite revenger is doing, shall we?

We start off with people finding the Amanda underwater and a dead body. A picture of the Porter clan swims along with blood on it. Who died? We never know. We also cut to Emily training in Japan by trying to escape ropes under water by Takeda. Seems to be a different actor than before. Did anyone else notice that? During the training she unlocks memories of her mother being in an insane asylum. She must go back and find out what happened.

Ems goes to see Nolan who is fighting and asks him to take a ride back to the Hamptons with her. He tells her his house is up for escrow since it has bad mojo, so he asks to crash with her. She says no, but he eases his way in. They go to find answers at the insane asylum and learn that a Charlotte Clark went to visit. Couldn't be Aunt Charlotte, must have been Victoria. But she is dead, how to ask her?

Charlotte is in rehab and Emily visits her. She has been sending her postcards. She asks to be let out for her mother's memorial service and the doctor agrees, but says he will come with. Conrad wants Daniel to invest his inheritance in his company, he says no. He is still with Ashley and she has an assistant of her own. I do not like them together, so wrong people, so wrong.

Jack is with pregnant Amanda, but not taking it well. She is ready to pop in 4 weeks, but looks amaze. Take it from one pregnant person, she has a fake bump and skinny arms and legs and but, yeah ok! Emily tells her to back off, even though Amanda was training with Takeda and Amanda says she will reveal everything if she doesn't stop it.

The Memorial....

Very classy, but more like a party. Ashley reveals the painting of her done by Dominick Wright and talks about her philanthropy and party planning. Charlotte is appalled and tells them all that she was just mom to her. During the speech, the doctor gets a call that Charlotte's blood test had drugs in it. She must go back immediately. Before this, Emily sees Daniel and he still loves her, but is upset she cheated. Dad tells him to get back together with her and he refuses. She tries to be civil and asks Ashley to lunch. How classy. Charlotte is carted off after the drug call and she is upset. She thinks its a conspiracy and tells Emily a secret.

The Secrets....

Emily arrives at Victoria's door. Looks like she is not dead after all. But so many questions. How did she get off the plane? What about Lydia? Is she alive too? We learn that the white haired man is in cahoots with her after Emily plants a clam cam in her cabin. She also has a secret phone she can call Charlotte on, but the doctor takes it away from her so she cannot call her.

The Kickers...

1. Emily puts a seed in Jack's head that he is not the father of the baby. I have to concur. He tells Amanda he wants a blood test.
2. Victoria and the white haired man decide to kill Emily Thorne.
3. Daniel watches Emily and still loves her. I secretly wish them to get back together!

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