Tuesday, October 2, 2012

666 Park Avenue: Series Premiere

This show is creepy to say the least and not sure how long it will last, but let's see what it is all about shall we?

We start off with a man playing violin and his hands are bleeding. He runs home and tries to leave this scary apartment building, but gets sucked back in through the door to die. Creepy!

Up pulls Jane (Grey's Anatomy) and Henry (Dave Annabelle - Brothers & Sisters) who are applying to be general managers of the Drake, an upper east side apartment building. When they go for their interview they meet the owner Gavin and his wife Olivia (Vanessa Williams - Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty). They almost don't get the job, but Jane's knowledge of architecture wins him over and they do. The perks? They get to live rent free in a fancy 2 bedroom apartment within the building.

We meet all the necessary characters, a man with blood on his hands, who turns out to be a man who lost his wife. He makes a deal with Gavin to kill other people to get his wife back. It lasts for a little, but he refuses to kill the second person and his wife goes back to dead. They meet another couple, a writer, Brian,  (HELLO Clay from One Tree Hill) and his wife, the photographer. The writer has a flirtation with the neighbor across the street, who ends up being his wife's new assistant. We also meet a young girl, Nona, who everyone ignores (is she a ghost?) who tells Jane that someone is stealing things. Turns out to be her, as she steals Jane's necklace. Brian, the writer and his wife are going out to dinner and she gets stuck in the elevator as it bashes her head in. OMG, I screamed.

Jane discovers in the basement a dragon mosaic on the floor. She goes to look it up and finds out that it used to be a man's meeting of evil things with a door that seems to be sealed up now. I am pretty sure she will go looking for that door again. She also gets her and Henry invited to the symphony and goes shopping with Olivia. Olivia offers to buy her the $4000 red dress and learns that she had once a child that died. Why can't they bring her back too? While at the symphony, Jane feels Gavin's eyes on her. She has a bad dream about being in the basement and seeing these things and then seeing Mary Barlow jump off the building because they will never let you leave. They sign the contract and move in.

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