Monday, December 12, 2011

The Huntsman's Heart

This episode had me glued to the TV set. It all starts with Sheriff Graham who is in love with Emma. He kisses her and starts to get flashbacks of his old fairy tale life. He sees flashes of wolves with red eyes and a forest.

He then gets drunk, tries to make sense of things and goes to Regina's. He kisses her and then has a dream about his old life. There are flashbacks of his life in Fairy Tale world. We learn that he was raised by wolves and is known as the huntsman. He kills animals and then cries. He is hired by the Queen to kill Snow White. Here is where I am confused. Why does the Queen want her dead? We learn that Snow's dad, the Queen's hubby dies. The Queen is the one responsible for his death. She then wants to kill Snow. She hires the huntsman to do so.


He takes her into the forest and she knows what is coming. She writes a letter to the Queen forgiving her for her death. The huntsman reads it and decides to let Snow go. He kills a deer and gives the queen the heart of the deer in place of Snow's heart. She realizes it is not a human heart and takes his instead. She keeps his heart locked up in a vault with all the other human heart's she has collected. I can only assume her father's heart is there as well. She tells him he belongs to her and she has his heart and when she squeezes he will feel it. Scary, I know and creepy!

Back in Storybrooke, Sheriff Graham is remembering all sorts of things. He goes over to see Mary Margaret and says she looks familiar and he knows her. That he doesn't remember when/how he met anyone. He then starts to see his old friend the wolf with the one red eye and follows him around town. He follows him to the forest where he sees Mr. Gold doing some "gardening". Strange encounter if I say so. He even goes to see Henry so that he can fill him in on how his story goes. They decide he is the huntsman and he saved snow, which is why he has a bond with Emma. Henry tells Graham that Emma is Snow's daughter.

He then sees the wolf and so does Emma. They follow the wolf back into the forest to a mausoleum with an icon he saw in his dream. He says he needs to find his heart there. She breaks in with him and they find a coffin and then a bunch of other random things, but no heart. They look at everything except in the coffin. Regina comes by and catches them together (after she warned Emma to stay away from Graham) and says this is where her father is buried. The name on the coffin says Henry Mills, her father, whom she ripped his heart out in Fairy Tale world. She goes into a tiff with Emma saying she has taken everything away from her. Emma retorts with they came to her, Henry and Graham. Regina punches Emma in the face, Emma punches Regina and Graham pulls them off of each other. He breaks it off with Regina and they go back to the station.

Regina goes into the mausoleum to place flowers on her father's grave, then she lifts the coffin. There is a secret passage and a staircase. She climbs down the stairs and into the place we saw in Fairy Tale Land. She opens the chambers with the hearts and holds Graham's in her hand. At this point, my mouth is open, I am saying NO WAY and we all realize Regina KNOWS she is the queen.

Back at the station, Emma and Graham get cozy again. They kiss as he realizes that he is from another time. He unlocks the mystery. Boy, her lips are good! As he starts to tell Emma what he knows, Regina starts to squeeze his heart. This time, she squeezes till the heart is dust. At the same time, we see Graham drop to the floor and have a heart attack and die. Emma is in tears and Regina smiles.

Oh.My.G-d. Best episode yet!

So Regina knows she is the queen but is playing this all aloof? Or did she get flashbacks to and has started to realize? But, she doesn't know who Emma is. Maybe because that page has been ripped out. And, why not try to kill Snow in real life if she hates her so much? wow. I cannot wait till the next one!

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