Monday, May 7, 2012

Grimm: Beavers

Nick is training with Monroe. A monster kills a beaver guy with cement. One beaver witnesses. He goes into hiding. Nick and hank find the goon and he says he wasn't there. Nick sees him morph and knows he is lying.


Juliet invites Monroe over for dinner but they are scared she will ask how they know each other. He loves vegan salmon. They have an awkward conversation about how they met, but she seems to buy it for the most part.

The goon calls the reapers. They send two of them. The reapers end up beating up the bad guy and then he gets arrested because beaver came forward. This was after a town meeting.

Reapers fight nick and he slays them both. He Cuts off their heads and sends theM back to Germany. That was a total kick ass ending!

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