Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Girls: Lots of Sex here

Let's check in with my favorite Brooklyn girls....

Jessa - my least fave. She is getting all dolled up at her babysitting job to see an ex boyfriend (Henry from Ugly Betty). He tells her he loves his new girlfriend Gillian, with a hard G and she insists he still loves her. They end up doing it against the window at Shoshanna's.

Shoshanna - Speaking of my favorite, she had a tiny part. She was putting away clothes when Jessa barged in to have sex. She saw the whole thing, hiding in the closet. She was so cute!

Marni - Charlie is still pissed about the diary and want to break up. We flash back to when they first met. She was tripping and he hung out with her and hugged her. I think Charlie produces a sense of security and comfort for her. She tells him she wants to get back together and has sex with him. In the middle of sex she realizes she wants to break up, hits her head and they are over, again.

Hannah - She comes on to her boss and asks to have sex with him. He refuses, and she quits. She then goes over to see Adam, who she thinks is now her bf. He is not. Instead he starts to jerk off while she watches. She takes money from him and leaves after watching the whole thing.

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