Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Grimm: Season 2 Premiere

Welcome back Grimm fans! I am so excited to start season 2. When we left off, Juliette was in a coma that Adalind and her cat put her in. Nick's mother was back and Hank is still super scared after seeing Monroe transform. Let's begin shall we?

The back story is that a creature with huge fangs was shipped into town and killed a bunch of people. Nick has finally realized its his mother and they stab Kimura till he is demobilized. Before she gets a chance to kill him, the cops come and arrest him. The captain is a bit shaken up. He speaks to him mom and we find out that she has been on the run for 18 years trying to kill Kiruma. It was her best friend who died in the crash with his father. She has no real explanation and even Aunt Marie knew. He takes her to his trailer to give her the coins, they must be destroyed. He learns about the dead bodies and she says that she must help him kill this beast with the fangs.

Meanwhile, the captain goes over to see Adalind, but she isn't home. Didn't she die? The mother (Nan from True Blood) is there and she doesn't know where she is either. She must help the captain wake up Juliette from her spell. She goes to the potion store to get the ingredients but Rosalie gives her a hard time and she transforms and demands them. They figure out that they are doing the same spell. The spell will wipe away Juliette's memory and then kill her.

Nick needs to ask Kimura questions, but by the time he gets there he is dead in the cell. He has eaten a poison sandwich. The captain speaks to him before that and learns there are two Grimms and he must take care of it. Hank is still scared out of his mind and Juliette's memory is slipping. When they go to the trailer Nick learns about the key he has and how there are 7 more that form a map when put together. Something that can be the key to everything. Crazy!

Monroe and Nick's mom have a run in and she almost fights him. I love him and how hes like Nice meeting you sort of. They go to kill the fanged guy because he murdered the FBI agents and it ends in the middle of the battle.

What will happen next and can they save Juliette?

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