Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How I Met Your Mother: Season Premiere

Welcome back HIMYM fans! When we last left off, Ted was driving off with Victoria while she escaped her wedding. Barney proposed to Quinn and Marshall and Lily had their new baby, Marvin to tend to. We also saw a glimpse of Barney and Robyn's wedding in the future. Let's see how it all panned out, shall we?

We start with the wedding day and Ted is there to calm down Robyn. Marshall and Lily are trying to get Barney not to climb out the window. They are in a magical place called Far Hampton. Ted reminisces about being there before.

We go back to when Ted and Victoria are driving away. He reminds her she must leave a note for Klaus. Without that note from Stella, he would be lost. They drive back to the place and he has to sneak into the window. When he gets there, Klaus' sister is guarding the door. He gets Barney to distract her as he sneaks in leaves the note, but leaves his keys too. Now he must sneak back in and get the keys. While trying to sneak back in he runs into Klaus sneaking out. He talks to him and learns that Victoria is not his number one and when you find that girl, she is the one, not the one who is almost her. He goes back to steal the note back and his keys and fake cry on Klaus' note, so nobody is the wiser.

Back at home, Marshall and Lily are going through new parent's haze. Every time someone speaks to them they see water and hear nothing. Quinn asks the girls to be in her wedding and they agree. Barney reminds them not to say him and Robyn ever dated. They agree but are in a haze. During that time they let it slip and Quinn realizes she cannot marry Barney. Even though Robyn introduces them to her new boyfriend Nick, they are not satisfied. Barney gives Robyn the key to a storage unit with all of their stuff there. Cute!

At the end, we go back to the wedding and Ted at the Far Hampton train stop in the rain. We see his future wife stroll up with her yellow umbrella, but not face. By the end of this last season we will meet her, finally!! But who is she? Any thoughts?

*All photos from cbs.com

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