Friday, June 1, 2012

The Vow - Movie Review

Last night hubs and I rented "The Vow". I had been told, that yet another Nicholas Sparks adaptation, I would cry. But, alas, I didn't. I did stay up for the entire thing, but did not cry one tear.

We begin with a happy couple, Leo (Channing Tatum) and Paige (Rachel McAdams), who get into an accident. They stop at a stop sign and a truck rams them and she goes through the window. She ends up losing her memory of the past 5 years after coming out of a coma. She cannot remember her husband, Leo. Her parents end up coming and they have never met Leo either. Apparently before she met him, she got into a huge fight with them, dropped out of law school, moved to the city and started her career as an sculptor. She met Leo and married and hasn't talked to her family since.

She ends up going home with them, because she knows them and it feels right. She falls right back into her old life with them. She lightens her hair, dresses preppy again, goes back to law school and even tries to get back together with her ex-fiance Jeremy. Played by Scott Speedman (BEN from felicity!! OH JOY!). Leo is a record producer and owns a studio and wants her to come back, but she refuses. They get a divorce instead.

While out with her sister, who is getting married to Ryan (from BEING ERICA). She runs into a girl Diane she hasn't spoken to. Apparently Diane had an affair with her dad and they didn't mention this to her since she moved back in. Her mother forgave him and they all moved on and she is unhappy they didn't tell her. She breaks it off with Jeremy again, quits law school again, moves to the city again and becomes an art student and sculptor again. She winds back up with Leo and they fall in love all over again.

Not sad, but cute. And three appearances by Being Erica people. His best friend Lily, is Tom's daughter, one of the coffee guys is Dave from Goblins and of course Ryan, the brother in law is Erica's ex. So crazy!

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