Friday, October 26, 2012

Suburgatory: Halloween Episode

It's Halloween again in Chatswin and I am so excited! Tessa, who has made home in the bathroom stall, hears the girls talking about being slutty skunks and rebels. She doesn't understand why they wont be real women and not strippers. She keeps getting followed until she reaches the library and a book falls into her lap. When studying at Lisa's, Sheila Shay sees the book and knows its the work of the "Witch of East Chatswin". Who? Paula. Some girl who opened her pudding cup, hung her Holly Hobby doll up and took shop, not Home Ec. Another feminist like Tessa. Sheila burns the book and her husband says "Last book you burned was Belly Laughs". Funny enough, because I read that book and I actually LOVED it. Tessa sees this Paula in her black robe over a cauldron and runs away from them off to the Halloween dance.

Meanwhile, Dallas is getting fit for her Barbie costume and tells her seamstress she is finally going to ask out George. He comes in to fix a light "thingy" and she asks him to be her Ken. He turns it down, but because he is going as Noah. He tans, bleaches his teeth, wears pink and shaves his facial hair. Noah dresses as him with a beard and a flannel shirt. They show up at the club and they are super nice to George and kick out Noah. Dallas walks in as Barbie with Dahlia as her skipper. Not enough Dahlia this episode. She tells George that her mother wanted him to be HER KEN, not just KEN, but HERKEN. She gets a vodka/cranberry and says its because she has a UTI, she then pukes it up. George asks Dallas on a real date and she accepts. I was SOOO happy!

Lisa is dresses and Velma and Malik (finally appears) as Fred, but Ryan Shay dressed as Fred as well, while Tessa, who is dressed as Daphne, is missing. She is in the hallway with Paula as Sheila and the rest of the Chatswin people are chasing her with torches. She is just a feminist and wanted Sheila to stand up for herself. Tessa shuts the lights and allows Paula to escape and keeps her cape.

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